Articles and Presentations

For presentations in format, see below for a brief summary of the controls.

Technical writing

Arts and crafts

Software development

External links

Web development:


Controls for S5 presentations

presentations use the following controls:

Action Keys
Show keyboard help backspace
Next slide space, enter, right arrow, down arrow, page down, mouse click
Previous slide left arrow, up arrow, page up
Toggle between slideshow mode and outline view t
Jump to slide n Type the slide number, then hit enter
Skip forward n slides Type the number of slides to skip, then hit any “next slide” key except enter
Skip backward n slides Type the number of slides to skip, then hit any “previous slide” key

Hover the mouse over the bottom of the slide to show the control panel.

For a full list, see the Reloaded reference page (scroll down to “Keyboard controls” and “Graphical Panel controls”).